Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog #1

The most important idea that got from this article was the advancements that have been made in enhancing the learning capabilities of the Internet and mobile devices. I had no idea that voice recognition and image recognition technology had advanced so for, let alone the complex algorithms search engines are employing in order to better itself.

I plan a to have a carer in the media, and recognizing the advancements in applications and mobile intelligence will give me an edge when finding inspiration for ideas and figuring out what is popular in today's culture. I may even be able to develop such advancements in order to get my own name out their.

as for unique apps, the i-phone app that allows mobile gps technology to work with search engines seems like a very good idea, although sense I'm out of the technological loop, this bit of software may be behind the times.


  1. Voice and image recognition is an interesting area, although it’s one that I regard with some ambiguity. It seems a little “Big Brother-esq” to have computers able of sorting through random photos or images and be able to pick out individual people. I wonder if this sort of technology spells the end of any sort of real anonymity. Not to sound like too much of a tinfoil hat wearing paranoiac, but I suspect that this sort of technology could be easily abused. Likely though, even as this sort of technology advances so will technologies that would foil it, so probably it will all equal out in the end. Or maybe privacy will simply fall out of favor, as an outdated social norm.

  2. The advancements in these smartphone devices are startling even to the people who ordinarily are keeping up with this sort of technology too...

    The Word Lens stuff that Angela Bonner was talking about is a technology that would have been at best imaginary even 5 years ago.

    We're hitting a point in human history where the technologically-advanced portions of the world are advancing at a rate which is rendering it really difficult to predict where we're going to be in even 2 years, let alone 5-10.

  3. Your unique apps is one of my favorites as well. Although I have never tried it before, the idea seems overwhelming. The Google Search App for the iPhone uses GPS technology to give you back not only search results, but results that are useful according to your physical location. It is also crazy to think about that in ten years we will look back at this technology and laugh.

  4. Voice activation has made huge improvements in the way people with disabilities use phones and connect to the internet. I think it is a great advancement. Image recognition is an interesting one however, I don't necessarily think it is that important or good for everyone.

    It is so difficult to see where it is going to go and what benefits it may have, other than taking out the manual labor of tagging your own photos for example.

  5. I thought Andre made a good and interesting point when discussing how he had no clue the rapid advancements things like voice recognition have made. I agree, as soon as someone can see the extent a certain technology can make it seems that every single time it progresses even further. So that begs the question...What next?

  6. Alicia makes a good point about how voice activation can really help make technology user friendly to a wide range of folks. And I think you're right Andre, being able to capitalize on, and/or creatively work with new technologies, is really going to be the hallmark of your generation. Decent post, next time just work to illustrate a few more points directly from the reading.

  7. Voice recognition does help to make technology user friendly to more people, but what about for people like me who have an accent? I would love to enjoy the voice to text capabilities of my Droid but it has such a hard time understanding my accent. So the technology is limited for those in the market the companies target. Unfortunately, im not on their target =(
