Sunday, May 1, 2011


The main point that i found while doing the reading focused on the organization of information. in order to properly utilize information efficiently and effectively, people need on organized structure in which to locate the piece that they require. In the first chapter, the author described several organization methods, the ones that stuck with me were the physical location and digital organization.

The former involved having the object or information housed and organized in a real-world location, such as books in a library and bookstores, or papers and such stored in a filing cabinet. It went further into the hysical by describing manners in which the information could be extracted in a physical setting, such as card catalogs and phone books. And then there's the 3rd order, digital, which separated the object from the thing organizing it with no physical connection. It is more flexible and allows for greater access to desired material, such a tags and keywords like on flicker and Google which label everything and link those words and phrases to what you search for.

Personally, i spend a lot of time organizing images. I like drawing and tend to collect images that inspire my creativity. I organize them into various folders and sub-folders, such as images of items being organized into vehicles, weapons, buildings, armor, clothing, and so forth. This works for me because it helps me to find what i need effectively and is organized in a way that suites my personal style.

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